Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Raging River Preferable to Nagging Wife

Unable to deal with the endless nagging of his wife any longer, a Chinese man felt the raging waters of the Yangtze River were an adequate substitute.

Zhou, a truck driver, and his wife were on a ferry when the man ran out with his hands placed firmly over his ears, shouting, “I can’t take it anymore!” Crew members on the ship initially felt he had injured his ears, though his predicament became far more apparent when his wife ran up to him and continued nagging.

After being questioned by the crew and finally pushed to the boiling point of his nagging wife, the man placed his hands over his ears in a gesture of defiance, said “I need a break,” and jumped over the railing and into the river.

Lighting the water, they searched for sign of the man but to no avail. Presumed dead, he surfaced 2 kilometers on the other side of the river, safe and sound.

The man was quoted as saying to the police, “I felt I was dying, but even that’s better than my wife’s nagging.” Zhou’s wife met up with her husband at the local police station, promising him to end the nagging, or at least when they’re on a boat.